Nandita Shivakumar is the India Coordinator for Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) – an Asian labour led global labour and social alliance across garment producing countries and consumer regions for addressing poverty level wages, gender discrimination, and freedom of association in global garment production networks.As part of AFWA, Nandita has worked with women-led trade unions and labour rights organizations in the garment industry and has helped build grassroots labor related collaboration among organizations in Asia, Europe and North America. She has worked on global campaigns at the intersection of labor rights and gender justice and has written on social justice issues in the garment industry. Her work at AFWA aims at promoting human rights and collective power for garment workers in fast fashion supply chains. In 2020, she co-authoredĀ The Emperor Has No Clothes SeriesĀ of AFWA which explored the real time impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on garment workers in Asia.